Here you will be able to sign up for and view the UREG Floor Duty Schedule, on one calendar, in real time! You may also access the important tools necessary to set showing appointments, view the MLS, and contact the office, if any problems arise.
One of the best ways to meet clients and get leads is to do floor duty at the different offices. To be eligible to participate in Floor Duty, view the checklist HERE>>>
OVERNIGHT FLOOR DUTY will begin at 5 pm daily, and will continue until 8:59 am the next business day.
If you sign up for overnights, you are expected to be on floor duty for the full week from Monday to Friday.
DAYTIME FLOOR DUTY (9 am - 5 pm): Please be aware that you MUST sit in the office during the daytime floor duty.
Be familiar with the opening and closing of the office and the location of the office alarm and your alarm code, if you will be opening or closing an office.
Submit your request to sit floor duty at ANY UREG office by completing and submitting the form below. Upon receipt of your request, the UREG Floor Duty Coordinator will process your request, and confirm your scheduled floor time.
Sign up for floor duty by completing this form. Upon receipt of your completed form, the Floor Duty Coordinator will process your request, and confirm your scheduled floor time.